Paramedic Program

The Regional Paramedic Program is a collaboration between several medical facilities and medical transportation services to bring EMS education to the most rural areas of the Southern Tier. This regional approach brings only the best resources to students who would otherwise be traveling long distances to get the educational skills training needed to become a paramedic.

The program is held in a classroom setting where students, educators and physicians connect via enhanced technology for education and training. Classes are held in Olean and Jamestown where each student has the convenience of taking the class locally and receive the same high quality level of education. Classes are usually held 2 nights a week for a duration of 3 hours. Some weekends may be required.

Class Locations

Southern Tier Health Care System
150 North Union Street
Olean, NY 14760

ALSTAR EMS Training Center
335 East Third Street
Jamestown NY 14701

Class Tuition

Class tuition is currently $4,400. Tuition is subject to change. Tuition does not include books (Approximately $800).
Next class date is January 23, 2023 thru April 11, 2024 (Pending State Approval)
Students who are not eligible or fail to maintain eligibility are responsible for the full amount of tuition plus books.

Forms Needed
Advance Standing Letter
Medical Records Information
Paramedic Applications
*Initial course applications should include a medical and immunization screening.

To Apply Visit Call us at 716-664-8319

For detailed information, please contact us at the ALSTAR EMS Training Center
P: 716-664-8319
F: 716-484-8886
Contact: Brian Wilcox
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Special thanks to these educational contributors!

The UPMC Chautauqua @WCA Paramedic program has been issued a Letter of Review by the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP). This letter is NOT a CAAHEP accreditation status, it is a status signifying that a program seeking initial accreditation has demonstrated sufficient compliance with the accreditation standards through the Letter of Review Self Study Report (LSSR) and other documentation. Letter of Review is recognized by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) for eligibility to take the NREMT's Paramedic credentialing examination(s). However, it is NOT a guarantee of eventual accreditation. To contact CoAEMSP: 214-703-8445

The most current CoAEMSP Annual Report was for the calendar year 2022.
Outcome 2022
Retention 71.4%
NREMT or STATE Cognitive Exam 88%
Placement 92%

 No graduates during the 2023 reporting year