In A Medical Emergency Call 911 and Follow Instructions, then
Get Help | Do stay with the individual to prevent further injury until help arrives. Don’t hang up on the operator until they instruct you to do so. |
Impaled Object | Do limit the movement of the impaled object. Don’t make any attempt to remove the object. |
Seizure | Do move objects away and monitor breathing of a person having a seizure. Don’t place anything in the person’s mouth or attempt to restrain them. |
Unconscious | Do lay an unconscious (non-injury-related) person on their side, supporting their head. Don’t lay an unconscious breathing person on their back. |
Injury | Do keep an injured person warm and still to prevent further injury. Don’t move the person unless surroundings pose a potential hazard. |
Heart Attack | Do provide one aspirin (if no allergy exists) to an adult experiencing severe chest pain from a suspected heart attack. Don’t administer medications prescribed to someone else. |
Burns | Do place a burned area under cool, clean, running water for 20 minutes. Cover with sterile dressing if available. Don’t put butter or any other substance on the burn area. |
Bleeding | Do apply direct pressure to an active bleeding site. Don’t apply a tourniquet, unless it is an absolute last resort. |
Choking | Do perform the Heimlich maneuver and observe breathing for a complete airway obstruction (if trained or directed by 911 operator). Don’t attempt to remove the obstruction with your fingers. |
Poison | Do call poison control at 1-800-222-1222 for suspected hazardous ingestion, retain remainder of substance for responders to secure. Don’t induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by poison control. |