The initial point of contact for the community to access our patient care and transportation services is MedCom. MedCom, short for Medical Communications, is the nerve center from where we dispatch ambulances, flycars, wheelchair vans and the Starflight medical crew. We utilize a complex system of radios and frequencies which allows us to speak with our crews from Erie to Buffalo, Jamestown to Dunkirk and beyond.
MedCom is tied in via dedicated phone lines or radio link to the public safety and 911 answering points (PSAPs) in Mayville, Dunkirk, Fredonia and Little Valley. When they receive an emergency call that we need to respond to they have quick access to our services.
MedCom also serves as the initial point of contact for other community ambulances whether calling for our paramedic-intercept assistance, helicopter response or simply calling in patient information to area hospitals. Their call is received by a professional dispatcher who then sends the required units or 'patches' them through to the emergency room.